Maybe the coolest thing I’ve done in a while –

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So this weekend, I did something SO SUPER COOL that I can’t stop talking about it.  I went to a hack-a-thon.  I’ve never heard of something like this – but as a designer and a gamer, I was THRILLED to be surrounded by some of the nicest most welcoming smarties.

I got to participate in something called Hack n Jill.  They organize events that promote women in TECH.  Kind of amazing.  We started out spending the first night just trying to figure out what we wanted to make.  I had suggested doing with words, because – well, I feel like there’s a huge trend in education and gaming right now.

I was fortunate to work with a really great team that kind of organically came together.  I was the only designer working with 3 coders.  It was kind of fascinating to watch everyone  build something so super fun out of a very basic idea of how the word game would work.

Now, the thing about my design – most of my stuff is pretty girly – but I mean, over all – the whole process and the end result with the time allotted – I have to say was SUCH an inspiring experience, I just want to do one of these EVERY WEEKEND.

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Look and play the unfinished game HERE (takes a second to load and use your arrow keys to play)!  I’m so proud of our team!!!!